Do i really need computer literacy? you may ask
Its shocking that some people still wonder if computer literacy is really important in this 21st century. The fact is that the use of computers has become a way of life in the modern world and this makes it important for just about everyone to learn basic computer skills.
A few decades ago, computer use was mostly relegated to a handful of professions. Not many people owned their own computers, and most computers were used as a tool on the job. These days, there is at least one computer in every household, and most people have active accounts on Facebook or Twitter or at least an email address. Computers are ubiquitous in our society, so it stands to reason that more importance has been placed on computer literacy.
Being computer literate is important as it opens up more job opportunities, helps in staying up to date, it is a cheap way to communicate, it enhances professionalism, helps in better record keeping and makes transactions more convenient. Almost all workplaces and businesses have embraced the use of computers in one way or another meaning it is almost impossible not to encounter a computer in everyday life
There are many clear advantages to being computer literate in the 21st century. Here are just a few of them:

Benefits of computer literacy in the modern world
More job opportunities:
since almost all workplaces use computers, employers are likely to favor people that are computer literate over those with no computer skills. For many people, it’s easier to find an office job that involves the use of a computer if they are already computer literate .
Naturally, being able to use a computer will put you at a distinct advantage when you apply for these kinds of positions. Not only can computer literacy make you more desirable to employers for office jobs, it may allow you to find ways to work from home if you have a reliable Internet connection.
Staying up to date:
Although there are still plenty of people who read them, newspapers are quickly becoming relics of the past. People are now choosing to read the news online, and these sites can be updated instantly as stories develop.
Being computer literate enough to access these sites means being able to better keep up with current events. in the modern world, it is easier to hear or read about the latest news through computer websites.
Being Prepared for the Future:
Computer technology is advancing faster than ever before, and it’s very easy to be left behind if you don’t take the time to become at least semi-literate when it comes to computers.
The communication technology you use now will most likely be very different from what you will be using in five years, but it will still provide you with a solid foundation of computer literacy that will serve you for years to come.
Cheap and Better communication :
the cost of using computers for communication is quite reasonable making them ideal for those running businesses or people who wish to save more.A significant part of communication in the 21st century is done remotely over computer networks.
Email is more convenient than traditional mail-in many ways, and people who might otherwise never be able to speak to each other regularly exchange messages even though they may be on opposite sides of the world. Whether you are keeping in touch with old friends or emailing your resume to employers, communication via the Internet is vital in the modern age.
Computer literacy enhances professionalism:
A person using a computer is likely to be more organized when compared with someone who does not use a computer. Programs like word processors and bookkeeping software help in keeping a person professional.
Better Connectivity:
Connectivity has become the order of the day in this digital age.
It does not matter where you live or what you do, the Internet provides you with the ability to connect to people in any part of the world who are interested in what you are producing or what you are doing. You can develop bonds for collaboration, and you can enhance and grow whatever you do through the power of the Internet.
Computer literacy, which allows you to make use of this incredible resource, is fundamental. Just having even the most basic computer skills will begin your journey. You can then build on those skills to take them to whatever level you want.
It is an exciting time. Computer literacy will help you use this tool to take part in the excitement and opportunity to transform your own life and the lives of others.
Why not start learning a new computer skill.
Here are different computer literacy skills you can start learning today

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