Attracting customers to your business can be easy...if only you know this

Attracting customers to your business can be easy…if only you know this

As a small business owner, you have a lot to handle and manage. Unfortunately, most of us always leave the most important part of the business (sales and Marketing ) in the hands of others.

In all you manage, be your sales and marketing manager

The truth is that no matter the challenges your business is facing, if you have a way of attracting paying customers to your business, every other thing can be taken care of.

The good news is that you can take over your Marketing, attract and retain paying customers using digital Marketing

Google my business, Google search (SEO & content marketing) Email list ,social sites like Instagram, Facebook Twitter etc are all you need to reach, attract and retain paying customers to your business and grow.

I can be 100% sure you have accounts in all these platforms.

But come on just posting randomly will not take you anywhere. Every body is doing that and expecting results which will never come

To be successful using these digital skills, you must learn how to use them, have a strategy and be consistent

You may have even tried advertising on some of the platforms without any SUCCESS. 
Believe me people are advertising on the same platforms and making huge amounts of money.

If people and businesses perish because of lack of knowledge then by all means, get the knowledge.

There are people who just push their advert on Facebook and then nothing comes out of it and they shout ….it’s not working…..

If only they know what retargeting / remarketing is .

If only they know that most people don’t buy the first time they come in contact with your products and services

If only they know that they will sell more by first building relationships than shouting buy buy.

Just know that your customers are waiting……ONLINE.. .. why not take over your Marketing, get all the knowledge you can and go and meet them and grow.


_Digital Marketing clinic with iyke__


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