From Idea to Profit in the Digital Age Academy

Practical training and mentorship that teaches you how to take your business from offline to online and build a successful business using digital marketing strategies

The only program that is bulletproof against business failures in the digital age

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Have you been trying to make money online the genuine way. One major problem of over 80 % of those that want to make money online is distraction. There are alot of distraction online, I suffered it for over 5 years in logas befor I learnt how to concentrate. You will be researching or checking something, then another interesting thing jumps up, and go after it before you not the day is gone and you have not achieved anything .In this training we will show you how to cut out distraction and make money online

Friday Nights
Begin & End Here

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Get effective and practical strategies to bulletproof your startup against business failures

We are not just going to train you, we also mentor, assist you to build an empire

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Add copywriting

Have you been trying to make money online the genuine way. One major problem of over 80 % of those that want to make money online is distraction. There are alot of distraction online, I suffered it for over 5 years in logas befor I learnt how to concentrate. You will be researching or checking something, then another interesting thing jumps up, and go after it before you not the day is gone and you have not achieved anything .In this training we will show you how to cut out distraction and make money online

Another reason why most people don’t succeed online is lack of action. The don’t take action on little knowledge the have and see results. They keep following the best guru online, buying the best ebook which they will never read, buying videos which the will never watch. They attend all the seminars and webnas but to take action never. In fact when they want to take action on what they have learnt, Another guru will come out with a wonderful video, ebook, seminars, webnas and they will just into it and forget what they were working on.

If you want to make money online this must stop . This is what this caochibg program will help you

Make money from your skills

Skills needed by the 2 groups

Digital marketing
Website design
Copy writing / content marketing
Graphics design

Tap into my 20 years of experience & move that business from idea to profit

It’s time to start and scale, move that business from idea to profit, and build a business brand of your choice. With a well-designed digital marketing strategy in this digital age, you can move any business from idea to profit

Founder & Business

Scaling Expert

Digital Marketing & Digital Business Growth Consultant

The Right Business research and analysis

The Right Business research and analysis

Customer research and analysis

Find Out Where You Need to Start your business today

My Specialities

Real estate

Sales & Investments

Stocks & Finance Education

What People are Saying

Ricardo Owens
Joel Burdine
Rhonda Key
Ashley Hoyt

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