website design for small businesses in nigeria
Do you want to build trust and attract paying customer from search engines? Do you want to convert your social media traffic into paying customers? Then you need a website

Do i really need a website ? you may think
Every day more and more people use the internet to find information. It is convenient and saves time more than any other media such as newspapers, magazine and TV.
Having a website has become so “normal” that customers and the general public simply expect all companies to have a website.
Being active on social media is great, but it’s only a channel like advertising in the newspapers. You need to have a website where you can send your social media followers to actually make the sale and tell more about your products and services.
In this digital Age, every small business needs a website to compete favorably in the ever competitive business environment.Have you been wondering how to get a professional website for your business?
Not to worry; solution is here—–An NGO ——Digital and Enterprise Skills Development for Africa Initiative (DESDAI)– is partnering with Bizmarrow Technologies to provide website to 20 schools in Nigeria

Website Details
- Professional Website designing
- You will provide basic information- like about the business and what it does
- The website should have 5 pages or less
- It should not be a data based website, If that’s what you want- fill the form,we can talk.
- Form registration, web hosting and Domain registration for one year= N20,000
How to get this website
- Fill the form
- Choose a domain name
- A link will be sent to you to upload the business information, and pictures
- Your website design will start
- After 2 weeks– inspection and proofreading
- 3 weeks-final hand over
Why is a website important to the growth and success of your business
Most consumers are looking online for information that will help them make smarter purchasing decisions. In fact, according to the eCommerce Foundation, 88% of consumers will research product information before they make a purchase online or in the store. This buying behavior trend emphasizes the importance of a website for today’s businesses.
Think about it, when you need information about something probably the first thing you will do is reach for your computer, iPad or mobile phone and search on Google.
If you want your company to be successful in the modern marketplace, you’ve got to have a professional website. Your website is the backbone of your business, supporting all of your digital marketing efforts
Make it easy for your potential customers to find and read about you
Having a website makes it very easy for people to find you, read up about your company, what you do and answer a bunch of questions they have on your company.
By having a website people will be able to find your company when they search for your company on a search engine like google, yahoo or bing. It is true that if you don’t have a website your business may be found in a search engine if you have a listing in a directory, the yellow pages or your business could just automatically show up in a google places result.
Do you really want to leave this to chance though? Plus why not have a website so that you can influence what is displayed about your company and know your website will be listed in addition to having all those other search results.
Look at the search result below, would you not like your business to take the whole front page when it is search for?